«‎Syfy» The Godfather Watch Full

The Godfather «‎Syfy»




  1. Review Michael, the young and idealistic son of Vito Corleone, the head of the most powerful Mafia clan in New York, returns home as a war hero and is determined to live his own life. But tragic circumstances make him face the legacy of his family
  2. Mario Puzo
  3. Star Al Pacino
  4. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
  5. USA








“You didnt need a friend like me” You aint never had a friend like me. Tessio should have just walked up and said, Mike, I"m the traitor! It was so obvious. This is making me hungry. I will not be the one to break the peace we"ve made here today. In the back of his head It"ll be my son. The intent of the H.264/AVC project was to create a standard capable of providing good video quality at substantially lower bit rates than previous standards. 8:15 The chill Michael before he becomes corrupted with power.


Love this scene. Such a great scene from a movie where there was nothing but great scenes. Michael"s transformation from civilian to future Don takes place in front of everyone. These kills are fairly clean. Aside from the woman in bed, they are only hitting the target and no bystanders are harmed. Well done. Legendary movie. I always love the Turk"s irritation at the waiter. Some day imma call upon u to do my this service... let"s hope thst day never comes... The best part is when Vito Corleone explains what will happen if Michael is harmed.

Louies restaurant in the bronx.
Still one of the greatest movies in history, fantastic...
And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they"d be my enemies.
The way tessio look them while Michael and sonny saying good bye.

This is an AWESOMEEE trailer. Really well made. Becoming Godfather. : thank you kind sir. Credit to the fake cop. Heck of a, revolver, 20 yards, two square in the torso. In this dialogue, there is the whole philosophy of the mafia. Let"s give it a good estimation
entertainment: it"s been said many times that the acting is stupid, including Brando"s character just mumbling and Pacino"s character just, well, staring... truly over-hyped junkie so called script is bad, it"s like a Mexican soap drama. the dialog is below the standard of those Indian cheese. the production value is fair though, shot in Sicily. it seems the producer is not interested in faking locations. overall rating 3/15
social/life message: the isn"t a particular deep movie. isn"t anywhere better than any eurocrime pic. the message is banal: criminals have souls.- rating 0/10
politically objectionable things : nothing big really, as I said the director/writer seems to be obsessed with organized crime, he hardly delivers any political or historical material. rating is high 3/5
overall rating: two out of ten.

Barzini the snake. They killed it in modern family tribute. Fun fact the scene in Star Wars where Anakin kills the separatists while the emperor forms the new empire is a homage to this scene. Also shoutout to the stuntman who rolled down the stairs, hope he got paid extra for that. Francesca scene should have been in. Killing of Fabrizio should have been in. Sonny alone in the Don"s study should have been in. All the rest probably expendable. The Genco death scene is very moving, but would have seriously interrupted the flow of the movie at that point.

Tattaglia is a Pimp. Images of a routine baptism juxtaposed with those of mafia rival executions. To me, that"s why "The Godfather"is so fascinating. With these people, such bloody acts are strictly business, impersonal. Great characters and scenes emerge from this conceit, but that"s really what it"s all about.
I don"t think you can look at this movie without considering its lasting impact; the famous lines, set pieces and those dreaded oranges. It"s all seeped into pop culture, and for good reason. It"s just that damn good. Even if you"re repulsed by Cosa Nostra goings-on, you still get drawn in.
This is an epic in every sense of the word.
9/10. The way this is edited in sound and vision makes this a masterpiece.


Almost as good as Modern Familys version. 21:15 can someone explain me that deleted scene beacuse I really don"t understand. Then I"m going to blame some of the people in this room points at tattaglia, stares down barzini OooOOooOoOOOOooOOOooooo.


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